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  INTRODUCTION a) Sheep Sheep are domesticated animals with a wooly coat and of short stature .They are ruminants, that is ,they chew curd.Sheep are kept for meat,wool,skins and milk. A male sheep is called a Ram, female is Ewe while young one is a lamb.The gestation period is usually 5 months.Sheep produce sound called bleating.A lamb can identify it’s mother’s bleat from amongst other ewes. Breeds There are different sheep breeds but are generally grouped according to their use such as; a) Meat e g Dorper, Persian black head and red maasai A flock of Dorper sheep b) Wool e.g Merino,Cormo,Romney Marsh A Merino sheep resting c)Dual purpose e.g Dorset horn, Hampshire, Corriedale Hampshire sheep in grazing field Sheep require a balanced diet that is well constituted with ; a)carbohydrates for energy b) protein to increase body mass and weight  c)mineral salts to provide trace minerals  d)vitamins and  e) clean water.  Sheep require a relatively small housing space.In areas with high rain



 Agriculture is one of the most important sectors.This is where food production occurs .Over the years the introduction of new technologies and scientific methods in agriculture has made farming more profitable, sustainable,increased food productivity and drastically reduced farmers manual workload.

Examples of technology used in agriculture;

1) Farm management software

Automates recording and storage of farm data through a single platform.Its capacity to track activities in real time enables efficient planning

2)Smart power systems

The systems are driven by artificial intelligence.Example is the modern egg incubator which can hatch a lot of chicks with minimal loss .

3) Precision agriculture tool

They include drones,GPS and irrigation systems.They reduce labor time,effective management of fertilizer and irrigation process and subsequently improving crop yields

4) Radio Frequency definition (RFID) tagging

Animals are identified and tracked in inventory as well as recording essential health data.

5) Artificial insemination

Leads to improving genetic livestock quality as well as improving reproductive performance

6)New seed varieties

They have been specially selected to preserve the good genes that enable them to be high yielding

7) Drought resistant crops

Recent Technology methods have come up with crops that can withstand harsh weather conditions such as drought resistant cassava

8) Social Media advertisements

Social media giants such as Facebook, twitter and TikTok have a lot of users .For example Facebook has 2.9 billion active monthly users.With a click of a button, agricultural produce is available to a much broader community

9)Robotic milking system

This not only frees the farmers time but also increases milk production by up to 10%(Global dairy innovation,2009)

10) Farming machinery

Advanced farming techniques have led to production of Gps tracking tractors,automated slaughter houses ,robotic milking system and combined harvesters


1.Conor Parke,2015.Impact of technology on agriculture and food production - Facebook users by country 2021.

3.Global Dairy Innovation ,2009.Advances in innovative dairy production.


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  INTRODUCTION a) Sheep Sheep are domesticated animals with a wooly coat and of short stature .They are ruminants, that is ,they chew curd.Sheep are kept for meat,wool,skins and milk. A male sheep is called a Ram, female is Ewe while young one is a lamb.The gestation period is usually 5 months.Sheep produce sound called bleating.A lamb can identify it’s mother’s bleat from amongst other ewes. Breeds There are different sheep breeds but are generally grouped according to their use such as; a) Meat e g Dorper, Persian black head and red maasai A flock of Dorper sheep b) Wool e.g Merino,Cormo,Romney Marsh A Merino sheep resting c)Dual purpose e.g Dorset horn, Hampshire, Corriedale Hampshire sheep in grazing field Sheep require a balanced diet that is well constituted with ; a)carbohydrates for energy b) protein to increase body mass and weight  c)mineral salts to provide trace minerals  d)vitamins and  e) clean water.  Sheep require a relatively small housing space.In areas with high rain


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