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  INTRODUCTION a) Sheep Sheep are domesticated animals with a wooly coat and of short stature .They are ruminants, that is ,they chew curd.Sheep are kept for meat,wool,skins and milk. A male sheep is called a Ram, female is Ewe while young one is a lamb.The gestation period is usually 5 months.Sheep produce sound called bleating.A lamb can identify it’s mother’s bleat from amongst other ewes. Breeds There are different sheep breeds but are generally grouped according to their use such as; a) Meat e g Dorper, Persian black head and red maasai A flock of Dorper sheep b) Wool e.g Merino,Cormo,Romney Marsh A Merino sheep resting c)Dual purpose e.g Dorset horn, Hampshire, Corriedale Hampshire sheep in grazing field Sheep require a balanced diet that is well constituted with ; a)carbohydrates for energy b) protein to increase body mass and weight  c)mineral salts to provide trace minerals  d)vitamins and  e) clean water.  Sheep require a relatively small housing space.In areas with high rain



a) Sheep

Sheep are domesticated animals with a wooly coat and of short stature .They are ruminants, that is ,they chew curd.Sheep are kept for meat,wool,skins and milk. A male sheep is called a Ram, female is Ewe while young one is a lamb.The gestation period is usually 5 months.Sheep produce sound called bleating.A lamb can identify it’s mother’s bleat from amongst other ewes.


There are different sheep breeds but are generally grouped according to their use such as;

a) Meat e g Dorper, Persian black head and red maasai

A flock of Dorper sheep

b) Wool e.g Merino,Cormo,Romney Marsh

A Merino sheep resting

c)Dual purpose e.g Dorset horn, Hampshire, Corriedale

Hampshire sheep in grazing field

Sheep require a balanced diet that is well constituted with ;

a)carbohydrates for energy

b) protein to increase body mass and weight

 c)mineral salts to provide trace minerals 

d)vitamins and

 e) clean water. 

Sheep require a relatively small housing space.In areas with high rainfall,it is best suited to construct stilted sheds to avoid damping that may cause pneumonia.The floor should be spaced to allow passage of droppings and urine on the floor below.During the hot season, sheep can graze in the open fields and be housed in the evening in their sheds 

Sheep are infested with pests such as ticks,fleas ,intestinal worms and mites while diseases include sheep pox, bottle jaw,footrot, pneumonia and contagious ecthyma.Vaccination is key to prevent the diseases while internal worms are best treated through deworming

b) Chicken

There are many chicken breeds in the world.They include:

1. Plymouth Rock Chicken

It is an american breed that is a dual purpose i.e kept for both eggs and meat.Male birds weigh 3.4kg while females weigh 2.95kg

Plymouth Rock Hen


-Docile while exhibiting some broodiness

-Single comb,

-Plumage colour is silver Penciled,blue,columbian,white or buff

-Posses long,broad back and moderately full,deep breast

-Lifespan is 8+years

2.Rhode Island Red

A cross breed of oriental birds e.g Malay with brown Leghorns.Its origin is the United States.The breed is a dual purpose kept for eggs and meat.

Rhode Island Red Cock


-Single comb

-Plumage colour ranges from deep pink to almost black

-The wattles and earlobes are red coloured

-Has reddish brown beaks with yellow feet and legs

-Eye colour is red-orange


It's origin is Australia where it was developed with a focus on egg laying with meat as secondary focus.It is a cross breed of the Rhode Island Red and Orpingtons.Male birds weigh 3.2-4.1kg while females weigh 2.2-3.1kg.

Black Australorp Hen


-Comb type is single

-Plumage colour is black,white or blue

-White skin colour

-Brown egg colour

-Lifespan is 6-10 years

-Can lay 300 eggs in a year


It is British breed with origins in Sussex county, South East England.It was primary kept for meat.Males weigh 4.1kg while females weigh 3.2kg

White Sussex Hen


-Single comb

-Plumage colour is either brown,buff, speckled,silver,red,light or white

-Eye colour is red or orange

-Long, broad flat back

-Briestbone is straight and long

-The breed has a rectangular build and wide shoulders.

Other breeds such as Leghorn,Kuroiler,New Hampshire Red etc will be tackled in future blogs 


Carol Ekarius(2007). Storey's illustrated guide to poultry

Victoria Roberts (2008). British poultry standards: Complete specifications and judging points of all standardized breeds and varieties of poultry as compiled by the specialist breed clubs and recognized by the poultry club of Great Britain

Wikipedia/Rhodes island red


  1. What's your take on sheep and chicken farming? Let's engage


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